What to do and see in Bali, a non-exhaustive guide
Each visitor of this astonishing island returns home with his own ideas on which are the remarkable “things” to see to make up an unforgettable journey. What follows are mostly suggestions and basic info’s, without pretending to propose a day-to-day detailed holiday tour-style. Even if your plans are already clear and your knowledge thorough, you may find something useful in the following articles.
- The very first suggestion is to start day-trips very early in the morning, say 8 am, and plan carefully the route with your driver. This will limit the heavy traffic and possibly skip the crowd, otherwise a true nightmare.
- Tray your best in order to attend a temple ceremony since it is truly rewarding and your knowledge of Balinese people will greatly improve (see the brief etiquette on the corresponding link).
- Push your mind and learn at least few words of Bahasa Indonesia. It is amazing how this will make simpler and more pleasing your holiday. Indonesians and Balinese are always surprised and glad to meet foreigners making the effort to understand their language. They will be even more eager to help.
- Always wear a helmet when riding a motorbike. It is safer for you.
Things not to miss
Rough Guides | Lonely Planet |
La Gazette de Bali | |
Bali Trip Net | Trip Advisor |
Why Go Bali | Why Go Bali2 |
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